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Metis Titan Rules is a fast growing law firm that specializes in family law. We understand that each case is unique and there is not a cookie cutter approach to achieving the best possible outcome. We will handle your case with the utmost compassion, understanding, and direct approach. Our promise is to always provide a detailed explanation on what you can expect from us and the outcome that you can expect. An extensive knowledge of rules, laws, procedures, and research is applied to every case to ensure the best possible outcome is achieved. You will never be unaware of the status of your case as we place a strong emphasis on always keeping our clients informed with how, why, when, and what is happening at all times. While each case is unique, there are four phases that can be expected in every family law case. A detailed explanation of the four phases can be found in the phase section.

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Metis Titan Rules is unique in the financial aspect compared with a majority of law firms. Majority of law firms charge a set retainer fee in which a standard amount is deducted for each phone call, e-mail, text message, document drafted, per hour of research, and court appearance. We do not believe that is the best approach as communicating with our clients about their case is valuable and communication should not be limited based on finances. You will never be charged or billed for communicating with our office about your case. An upfront cost analysis can be found in the pricing section.

A man counting money

©2023 Metis Titan Rules

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